"Everyone, everybody, every person, every person, every person, every person," is an exhibition of work that addresses how we communicate with one another, or fail to do so, at a personal level and as participants in a society.
Friends, family, partners, colleagues, internet strangers.
We can, with grim regularity, thoroughly misunderstand one another's words and intentions. We struggle to find a way to communicate the things we want to say, leading to varying degrees of anguish.
The quality of our communication will form a large part of how well we meet future challenges, both personal and public. Are we going to, or indeed, can we find a way to communicate with one another in a way that allows us to meet the challenges that face us? Or retreat into cynicism, resentment, comfort, consumption, conspiracy and blame?
This exhibition will seek to combat solipsism and cultivate attention. It will provide a platform for you to have a voice and be heard. To delight yourself and thereby delight others. To make a song your own and dispense it as a gift.
Comprising elements of painting, print, video and karaoke, the exhibition also touches on a number of other themes including; dreams, conspiracy theories, holidays and travel, loneliness, and environmentalism.
Is taispeántas oibre é "Everyone, everybody, every person, every person, every person, every person," a thugann aghaidh ar an gcaoi a ndéanaimid cumarsáid lena chéile, nó a theipeann orainn cumarsáid a dhéanamh, ar leibhéal pearsanta agus mar rannpháirtithe i sochaí.
Cairde, teaghlach, comhpháirtithe, comhghleacaithe, strainséirí ar an idirlín.
Is féidir linn, le rialtacht ghruama, focail agus intinn a chéile a mhíthuiscint go críochnúil. Bíonn sé deacair orainn bealach a fháil chun na rudaí a theastaíonn uainn a rá a chur in iúl, rud a chuireann leibhéil éagsúla anró orainn
Beidh cáilíocht ár gcumarsáide ina chuid mhór den chaoi a gcomhlíonfaimid dúshláin sa todhchaí, go pearsanta agus go poiblí. An bhfuilimid chun, nó go deimhin, an bhféadfaimis bealach a aimsiú chun cumarsáid a dhéanamh lena chéile ar bhealach a ligfidh dúinn na dúshláin atá os ár gcomhair a chomhlíonadh? Nó cúlú i ciniceas, i ndíth, i gcompord, i dtomhaltas, i gcomhcheilg agus i milleán?
Féachfaidh an taispeántas seo le dul i ngleic leis an solipsism agus aird a chothú. Cuirfidh sé ardán ar fáil duit chun guth a bheith agat agus éisteacht a fháil. Le taitneamh a bhaint as tú féin agus mar sin taitneamh a thabhairt do dhaoine eile. Chun amhrán a dhéanamh duit féin agus é a ligean thar ceal mar bhronntanas.
Beidh gnéithe de phéintéireacht, chló, fhíseán agus karaoke le feiceáil sa taispeántas seo agus téamaí eile ar nós; aislingí, teoiricí comhcheilge, laethanta saoire agus taisteal, uaigneas agus comhshaolachas.
"Everyone, everybody, every person, every person, every person, every person," is an exhibition of work that addresses how we communicate with one another, or fail to do so, at a personal level and as participants in a society.
Friends, family, partners, colleagues, internet strangers.
We can, with grim regularity, thoroughly misunderstand one another's words and intentions. We struggle to find a way to communicate the things we want to say, leading to varying degrees of anguish.
The quality of our communication will form a large part of how well we meet future challenges, both personal and public. Are we going to, or indeed, can we find a way to communicate with one another in a way that allows us to meet the challenges that face us? Or retreat into cynicism, resentment, comfort, consumption, conspiracy and blame?
This exhibition will seek to combat solipsism and cultivate attention. It will provide a platform for you to have a voice and be heard. To delight yourself and thereby delight others. To make a song your own and dispense it as a gift.
Comprising elements of painting, print, video and karaoke, the exhibition also touches on a number of other themes including; dreams, conspiracy theories, holidays and travel, loneliness, and environmentalism.
Is taispeántas oibre é "Everyone, everybody, every person, every person, every person, every person," a thugann aghaidh ar an gcaoi a ndéanaimid cumarsáid lena chéile, nó a theipeann orainn cumarsáid a dhéanamh, ar leibhéal pearsanta agus mar rannpháirtithe i sochaí.
Cairde, teaghlach, comhpháirtithe, comhghleacaithe, strainséirí ar an idirlín.
Is féidir linn, le rialtacht ghruama, focail agus intinn a chéile a mhíthuiscint go críochnúil. Bíonn sé deacair orainn bealach a fháil chun na rudaí a theastaíonn uainn a rá a chur in iúl, rud a chuireann leibhéil éagsúla anró orainn
Beidh cáilíocht ár gcumarsáide ina chuid mhór den chaoi a gcomhlíonfaimid dúshláin sa todhchaí, go pearsanta agus go poiblí. An bhfuilimid chun, nó go deimhin, an bhféadfaimis bealach a aimsiú chun cumarsáid a dhéanamh lena chéile ar bhealach a ligfidh dúinn na dúshláin atá os ár gcomhair a chomhlíonadh? Nó cúlú i ciniceas, i ndíth, i gcompord, i dtomhaltas, i gcomhcheilg agus i milleán?
Féachfaidh an taispeántas seo le dul i ngleic leis an solipsism agus aird a chothú. Cuirfidh sé ardán ar fáil duit chun guth a bheith agat agus éisteacht a fháil. Le taitneamh a bhaint as tú féin agus mar sin taitneamh a thabhairt do dhaoine eile. Chun amhrán a dhéanamh duit féin agus é a ligean thar ceal mar bhronntanas.
Beidh gnéithe de phéintéireacht, chló, fhíseán agus karaoke le feiceáil sa taispeántas seo agus téamaí eile ar nós; aislingí, teoiricí comhcheilge, laethanta saoire agus taisteal, uaigneas agus comhshaolachas.