‘Is everything losing its edge? Everything bleeding into everything else? A pixelation or a Gaussian blur or a pornographically short depth of field creating the most abject, vivid kind of attention in me. Details (a lesion, maybe – or just its wet, ragged edges) prick my eyes like a vinegar. The rest – the blur – sloshing in corneal recesses like that tide of saliva involuntarily summoned before vomiting. Magic, metallic saliva’
- Ed Atkins, A Primer for Cadavers p.13, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2016
126 Artist-Run Gallery in collaboration with Engage Art Studios are pleased to present ‘Magic, Metallic Saliva’ an exhibition of work by artists Karen Conway and Tadhg Ó Cuirrín curated by Rita McMahon. The exhibition will take place from Friday 11th March – Sunday 3rd April 2022 in 126 Gallery, Galway.
Both artists have previously been involved in 126 and Engage as artists and behind the scenes respectively and this show seeks to bring about a collaboration of work which looks at themes such as memory, fragmented narrative, decay, entropy, and surface tensions. A combination of drawing, painting and installation is used by the artists whose work shares several interests both formal and conceptual.
- Ed Atkins, A Primer for Cadavers p.13, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2016
126 Artist-Run Gallery in collaboration with Engage Art Studios are pleased to present ‘Magic, Metallic Saliva’ an exhibition of work by artists Karen Conway and Tadhg Ó Cuirrín curated by Rita McMahon. The exhibition will take place from Friday 11th March – Sunday 3rd April 2022 in 126 Gallery, Galway.
Both artists have previously been involved in 126 and Engage as artists and behind the scenes respectively and this show seeks to bring about a collaboration of work which looks at themes such as memory, fragmented narrative, decay, entropy, and surface tensions. A combination of drawing, painting and installation is used by the artists whose work shares several interests both formal and conceptual.