By noontime the dock Is a-swarmin' with men Comin' out of the ghostly freighter They're moving in the shadows Where no one can see And they're chainin' up people And they're bringin' em to me Askin' me, "Kill them now, or later?"
A digitally animated 'karaoke' video for the song 'Pirate Jenny' from the Threepenny Opera by Bertolt Brecht.
The Threepenny Opera is a 'play with music', first performed in Berlin in 1928. It offers a socialist critique of a capitalist world. In the song 'Pirate Jenny', Jenny is a maid at a "crummy old hotel", imagining avenging herself for the contempt she endures from the townspeople.
This piece will draw upon anthropologist David Graeber's work on 'bullshit jobs'. It will employ Brecht's 'distancing effect' to prevent the viewer from losing themselves in a narrative, instead making them participants. Karaoke is a participatory medium, incomplete without the contribution of the singer. Participants are invited to lend their voice to the piece and put themselves in the role of Jenny, other workers today like Jenny, and to recall their own 'shit' and 'bullshit jobs' that may have once given them thoughts of vengeance.
Físeán 'karaoke' beoite digiteach don amhrán 'Pirate Jenny' ón Threepenny Opera le Bertolt Brecht.
Is ‘dráma le ceol’ é an Threepenny Opera, a léiríodh den chéad uair i mBeirlín i 1928. Tugann sé léirmheas sóisialach ar dhomhan caipitleach. San amhrán ‘Pirate Jenny’, is cailín aimsire í Jenny ag sean-óstán salach, ag samhlú go ndíolfadh sí í féin as an díspeagadh a mhaireann sí ó mhuintir an bhaile.
Tarraingeoidh an píosa seo ar obair an antraipeolaí David Graeber ar ‘bullshit jobs’. Úsáidóidh sé an ‘distancing effect’ de chuid Brecht chun cosc a chur ar an lucht féachana iad féin a chailleadh i dtrácht, agus ina ionad sin iad a dhéanamh ina rannpháirtithe. Is meán rannpháirtíochta é karaoke, neamhchríochnaithe gan amhránaí leis. Tugtar cuireadh do dhaoine a nguth a thabhairt don píosa agus iad féin a chur i ról Jenny, nó oibrithe eile inniu ar nós Jenny, agus a gcuid agus ‘bullshit jobs' féin a thabhairt chun cuimhne, a thabhairt smaointe díoghaltais dóibh uair amháin.